SIA Engineering Company: 100%
SIA Engineering (USA) was incorporated on 12 May 2008. It is a SIAEC wholly-owned overseas line maintenance facility and is based out of Los Angeles with line stations in San Francisco, New York and Seattle. With accreditation from major airworthiness authorities like FAA, EASA, CAAS, CASA, CAA (Taiwan), CAAP, CAAF and DGCA (India), SEUS offers Line Maintenance services such as aircraft certification, defect rectification, technical ramp handling at all stations. In LAX and SFO, SEUS also offers a full suite of line maintenance services including cabin maintenance, phase checks, A-Checks, exterior aircraft wash, waste line cleaning and AOG support, among other services.
Mr Yong Kit Meng
General Manager
7001 West Imperial Highway
Los Angeles CA 90045
Tel: (1) 310 665 9015
Fax: (1) 310 665 9098
Mobile: (1) 310 227 6132