Pratt & Whitney (United Technologies Group): 53.575%
SIA Engineering Company: 46.425%
Component Aerospace Singapore Pte Ltd (CAS) is a world-class aerospace combustor, fuel nozzle, tubes repair and overhaul centre. Its capabilities include complete overhaul, repair and modification of PW4000 and V2500 combustion chambers; PW4000, PW2000 and V2500 fuel nozzles; PW4000 Stage 3 Low Pressure Turbine (LPT) duct assemblies; PW4000 High Pressure Turbine (HPT) Stage 1 supports, Heat Shields and Band Segments; PW4000, PW2000, CFM56 and V2500 external giggle, diffuser and fuel supply tubes, ducts, manifolds and sync rings.
Its extensive capabilities have enabled CAS to provide its customers with high quality repairs, quick turnaround times and competitive pricing.
The entire workforce, from shop-floor technicians to engineers and management team, embraces the Achieving Competitive Excellence (ACE) culture using its strategies and tools for all key processes. ACE has greatly contributed to the success of the company and the improvements have propelled CAS to become a world-class repair and overhaul centre.
Mr Pang Yong Kiang
General Manager
61 Seletar Aerospace View
Singapore 797560
Tel: (65) 6690 2715