Our Sustainability Journey

At SIAEC, we are committed to working towards a sustainable future
SIAEC aims to grow sustainably and responsibly, mitigate the environmental impact of our business and contribute to the communities that SIAEC operates in.

SIAEC's Sustainability Framework

The Sustainability Framework outlines SIAEC’s approach in management of our sustainability topics under four key pillars, which are aligned to the six capitals (financial, manufactured, intellectual, human, natural, and social and relationship capitals) defined by the International Integrated Reporting Council, and are in support of the 13 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

4 Key Pillars

sdg pillar1

Enhance Value Creation

Driving sustainable economic performance and value creation through innovation, continuous improvement and growth
sdg pillar2

Empower Our Workforce

Protecting, nurturing and respecting our people
sdg pillar3

Manage Our Environment Impact

Being environmentally responsible and combatting climate change
sdg pillar4

Pursue Active Partnership

Building strong relationships and making a positive impact
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Introduction of LEAN methodology to staff


Agile Cafe to introduce Agile Methodology


Signing of MRO JV in Malaysia

Sustainability Topics

2030 Goals

Economic performance and value creation

Continue to generate and distribute sustainable economic value to our shareholders and stakeholders, while ensuring long-term value creation

Service Quality

No major findings from audits by aviation authorities

Human rights, child and forced/compulsory labour

No non-compliance with employment laws

Innovation and technology

Continue to develop innovative solutions to aid employees in enhancing safety and efficiency, meet customers’ changing needs and stay at the forefront of the industry

Data protection and cybersecurity

No major incidents of cybersecurity breaches and data losses

Capability building and internationalisation

Continue to expand our capabilities and geographical footprint to better serve customers’ needs

Business ethics and governance



No non-compliance with regulatory laws and corruption

Compliance with laws and regulations

Sustainability Topics

2030 Goals

Employee health, safety and well-being

No work-related fatalities

Continue to promote employee health, safety and well-being as ongoing priorities for the Company through regular engagement and activities

Talent attraction, retention, training and development

Grow capabilities and continuous improvement culture for sustainable business growth

Develop people strategy centred on personal development, talent management, employee well-being and engagement

Maintain average of 34 training hours per employee

Diversity, equal opportunities and non-discrimination

No incidences of discrimination

Continue to promote diversity and equal opportunity in the workplace

30% female board representation

Labour-Management relations

Maintain harmonious industrial relations through collaborative partnerships


STAR Award as recognition for staff


Straits Times rated SIAEC as one of 2024 Best Employers

Sustainability Topics

2030 Goals

Climate change resilience and mitigation



Halve Scope 1 and 2 Emissions (against FY19/20 baseline) and towards net-zero emissions by 2050

Energy and emissions management

Water and effluents management

15% reduction in water intensity (against average intensity from FY2017/18 to FY2019/20)

No non-compliance with regulations on effluents management

Waste management and resource circularity

30% recycling rate


Staff participating at beach cleanup at Yishun dam


Staff learning about food waste and circular food economy

Sustainability Topics

2030 Goals

Sustainable supply chain management

Strong collaboration with key suppliers who support our sustainability ambitions, to work towards a sustainable supply chain

Community and social vitality

Continue to support underprivileged and raising awareness on environmental sustainability


Families and friends gathered for charity fun run organised by Sports and Recreational Club (SRC)


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) collaborate with Food From the Heart on food delivery to its beneficiaries